In new White House, a look at Trump’s inner circle

WASHINGTON — Since taking office last month, President Donald Trump has moved to consolidate power within a small cadre of close aides at the White House. He’s added a senior political adviser to the National Security Council and appears to have cut out Cabinet secretaries from decision making on some of his top policies, including [...]

By |2017-04-24T09:54:52-04:00Thursday, February 2, 2017|

As Trump prepares for White House, Never Trumpers are saying maybe

WASHINGTON — During the course of the 2016 campaign, Republican Christine Todd Whitman compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. She warned that a Trump administration would bring the country into “chaos.” And a month before Election Day, the former Bush Cabinet official proclaimed her support for Hillary Clinton. Now, when young Republicans ask her whether [...]

By |2016-11-28T12:07:08-05:00Friday, November 25, 2016|

DC’s other 1600 Pennsylvania is source of humor, headaches

WASHINGTON — Presidential candidates work for years to move in to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. For 24-year-old Nicole Berns, moving in was much easier, requiring filling out a three-page form and paying $500 in fees. Berns’ keys aren’t for the White House. They’re for 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, a 77-unit apartment building that began leasing about [...]

By |2016-07-18T00:00:43-04:00Friday, July 15, 2016|
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