Spawling Phoenix urban garden mysteriously closes amid land dispute

PHOENIX — A sprawling urban garden on a vacant lot where Phoenix residents have grown everything from melons to okra closed recently after the gardeners were mysteriously ordered out as a federal agency reassumes ownership of the land, stupefying and angering gardeners who called their eviction a classic case of government dysfunction. Families, senior citizens [...]

By |2017-04-24T09:53:40-04:00Friday, February 17, 2017|

Tough Phoenix sheriff may have new foe: George Soros

PHOENIX — Joe Arpaio, the self-proclaimed toughest sheriff in America who could face criminal charges for ignoring a judge’s order to stop targeting Latinos in anti-immigration roundups, may now have a new foe as he seeks re-election — George Soros, the billionaire liberal hedge fund tycoon. The Republican sheriff already was battered politically and support [...]

By |2017-04-24T10:06:21-04:00Monday, September 19, 2016|
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