Workers comp programs fight addiction among injured workers

BOSTON (AP) — Meet a victim of the nation’s opioid addiction scourge: the American worker. A number of states are taking steps through their workers compensation systems to stem the overprescribing of the powerful painkillers to workers injured on the job, while helping those who became hooked to avoid potentially deadly consequences. Injured workers, like [...]

By |2017-04-13T10:24:43-04:00Wednesday, April 12, 2017|

Why Scotland, unlike its neighbors, voted to stay in the EU

MOTHERWELL, Scotland — Cooling towers, blast furnaces and coking coal. The grit and humor of steelworkers heading to early-morning shifts. That was Motherwell before the steelworks closed and the “Steelopolis” of Scotland became another tattered, post-industrial town trying to a find its place in a service economy. Had this been south of the border, maybe [...]

By |2017-04-24T10:12:16-04:00Thursday, July 7, 2016|
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