OSU study: Kids integral part of mom’s recovery from addiction

An Ohio State University-led study into a mother’s recovery from drug or alcohol addiction found that recovery time is shortened when her children are involved. Published last week in the current issue of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, the study of 183 mothers who were seeking outpatient drug or alcohol treatment determined women who were in [...]

By |2017-04-24T10:01:59-04:00Wednesday, November 9, 2016|

Ohio conference highlights drug abuse epidemic’s effects on children of all ages

CINCINNATI (AP) — The country’s addictions epidemic has created a generation of children affected by their parents’ problems, a doctor who works with infants born addicted to heroin told a gathering of experts struggling with the issue Tuesday. The effect includes the physical problems of the addicted newborns and the chaos older children experience as [...]

By |2016-11-07T12:44:30-05:00Friday, November 4, 2016|
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